My Book Writing Adventure | Oct 24
The first post in my experimental, self-directed, gentle book coaching programme: morning pages | reviewing work so far | making space for creativity | moon cycles.
In this post, you will find:
An introduction to My Book Writing Adventure.
A review of my experiments in the past month.
A link to My Book Writing Adventure programme index (this list of what to expect for the next 15 months is for paid subscribers).
Gentle suggestions and ideas for what you can do on your book project in the next lunar month with the October theme of Making Space.
An invitation to the full moon My Book Writing Adventure Support Group on Zoom - 17 October 1-2pm (for paid subscribers).
Dear all
At the end of August, I kind of accidentally wrote about a thought I’d had in my head (suggested by a friend) and that was to develop a book coaching programme for myself, to document this book writing process and invite people along for the ride.
As some of you know, I’ve been writing for a long time but, for one reason or another, I haven’t yet published a book despite having begun a few over the years. I also started this Substack in June 2022 in order to find my way into writing a book. And I still haven’t written a book!!
And now I have committed to:
Writing a book.
Writing about writing that book.
Creating a series of experiments that combined will become a self-directed book coaching programme.
Inviting people along for the ride with a monthly newsletter (free) and monthly support group on Zoom (for paid subscribers).
This will really help my work of developing one-to-one support for writers (a combination of coaching, mentoring and editing) as I don’t want to, unconsciously or otherwise, be passing on any limiting feelings about the publishing process.
It is important that our voices are heard and out there!
Here we are. I am excited to bring you this first post in the series, which I’ve planned to last until the end of 2025. I will still write my Friday newsletters in my usual way and this is an extra monthly post. I’ve automatically added you to the list but you can unsubscribe to this extra newsletter if you’d like to.
About My Book Writing Adventure
My Book Writing Adventure is a series of gentle experiments (by me - Mel Parks) with invitations for you to join in, if you would like to. It is for people working on a book or longer writing project within a full enough life.
The project is based on three pillars—Practice, Wellbeing & Magic—acknowledging the writer in a holistic way. And I will structure them in 3-month segments, mirroring the writing process:
Part 1: Review and Gather (October to December 2024)
Part 2: Define, Outline & Begin (January to March 2025)
Part 3: Write First Draft (April to June 2025)
Part 4: Revise & Edit (July to September 2025)
Part 5: Send Your Book Out Into The World (October to December 2025)
The monthly newsletters (published each new moon) are free and the monthly support group (live on Zoom around the full moon) is for paid subscribers.
Click here for a full programme outline. It is a guide to what to expect but it might change along the way and I will add links to relevant posts as I go. I have already written about some of the topics, so I’ll add links to those as well. While the content is available free, the curated index list is for paid subscribers.
Click the button below to subscribe or upgrade your subscription.
My book writing experiments
I will begin by reviewing my past month and what I’ve been working on and then offer small suggestions as to what you could do.
Morning Pages To Make Space for Creativity
#practice #wellbeing
Now that I no longer have to think about kids getting up for school or college, my mornings are quieter, so I have time for morning pages. These are three pages written longhand of whatever is in my head in that moment. I do them with a cup of tea when I wake up and have been very consistent during the past month.
How have they helped me write my book?
Because I have given myself the space to think on the page, it means that I can explore my ideas and clear my head of other things that may be getting in the way.
What could you do this month?
Time needed: A few minutes when you can.
Resources: Pen & paper.
First gentle step: Keep a notebook and pen handy, write down a thought, idea, or observation while the kettle boils in the morning.
If handwriting three pages is too much for you or you can’t do it in the morning or every day, try freewriting for a few minutes when you can. Write what you notice around you or pick a sentence from a book or poem and freewrite from that.
Reviewing What I Have Already
I am still in the process of this task. I have printed out all of my Awen posts, written themes on the pages with felt tips, cut them up and paper clipped themes or types of writing together. It is clear that I have two book ideas in this work. One of more personal memoir essays (begun on my Moonpause project last year) and one about the writing process. I find the Moonpause work emotionally taxing, and I’ve noticed that is what has been stalling me. I really want to commit to it but it has a high fear factor. So I want a lighter, more fun project alongside it. I haven’t worked out what this is yet.
How has this helped me write my book?
This process has helped me see clearly how much I have already and encourages me to keep going. Also, once I have my paper clipped little piles of paper, I can organise them online and I will have the bones of a rough draft there already. It also helps give me clarity on what my book is about. I am shaping it from words already written instead of feeling as if I’m starting from scratch.
What could you do this month?
Time needed: a couple of minutes to several hours
Resources: a printer, some paper clips, scissors, coloured pens, post-its.
First gentle step: open the document or folder with your writing or long-abandoned book idea in it. Do this often, until you feel ready to move on to reading what you have.
I am assuming that if you are planning a book project, then you already have a body of work you can draw from. If not, keep writing what comes to mind when you can. You may also want to use this time to type up what you have in a notebook. But once you’re done, print out and look at the themes and maybe chapters that emerge.
This step can also be done digitally with writing software that helps you move around small chunks of writing. In the past, I have used PowerPoint, Scrivener and Trello for this job.
Other Gentle Things to Make Space for Creativity
Reviewing our work so far can bring up all sorts of emotions. Notice and allow space for this. I have been writing down my self-limiting beliefs as they come up, such as: nobody cares, it’s all a mess, what’s the point, I’ve got too many other things to do and I need a system to feel on top of things.
I haven’t done anything with this list yet, just noticing for now.
And the other thing I’ve been doing when feeling unsettled, busy, distracted or derailed from my plans for the day or week, is asking myself: What does my creativity need today?
Yesterday, the answer was: plant daffodil bulbs. In the end, I didn’t get round to it, but I know it’s something I can do this week that will help me feel better.
Following Moon Cycles to Create a Rhythm for Writing
I have written more about moon cycles for creativity here. And I have set up this project to follow the lunar cycles. This newsletter will go out each new moon, which is a good time for quiet, inward reflection and planning for the next month. Then the online support group will be at full moon, which is when we can celebrate successes and progress so far as well as releasing any doubts in the company of others.
To join the full moon My Book Writing Adventure support group (Zoom) on Thursday 17 October 1-2pm, if you are a paid subscriber, click here for the link. I will also send a reminder nearer the time. If not, upgrade by clicking this button:
What gentle things will you do this month to move your book project forward?
I’d love to hear about it - leave a comment below :)
Until next time…
Hi Mel, I’m not remotely planning a book, but I so much admire how you plan and communicate your work and your process. So thank you, your dedication is inspiring.
I’m hoping to be able to take part in one of your workshops- unfortunately Nov 9th clashes with a family celebration ☹️
Bye for now, Charlotte